Payment Methods

  • The payment methods available in are:

  • ATM

    After selecting the delivery, we will present the data so that you can make the payment through Multibanco or Homebanking (option “Payment of Purchases/Services”). For your convenience, these payment details will also be sent to your email.


    The most accepted online payment method in the world. Allows you to manage payments from your personal computer or via your smartphone. Through a login this form of payment is very simple and secure. This way you will never need to enter your credit card details on multiple websites again. Discover how to open a Paypal account in just 2 minutes:

  • MB WAY

    MB WAY is a solution that allows you to shop online and pay via your smartphone, tablet or PC, without any additional cost. This payment method is only available to Portuguese bank customers with the MB WAY app installed. (Payment service provided by IfthenPay.) See how to sign up at